Booking Info
Update/Changes to my Booking Process!
(All current and future clients, please read- sorry it’s long and wordy! I’m trying to answer as many questions before they get asked)
I have switched over to an Online Booking Portal!
If you have worked with me already, you certainly know that I am horrible at keeping up with emails. Turns out ADHD is a real bitch and even though I’m medicated for it now, I still can’t keep my life as organized as I’d like it to be.
It’s not you, it’s me. No seriously. I really wish I didn’t frustrate you, and I feel awful about it.
Hopefully this will make things run smoother because my current “method” isn’t working.
How will this work?
I will now be scheduling quarterly! I will open up three months of booking at a time.
Ex: In December I will open booking for Jan/Feb/March. In March I’ll open booking for April/May/June etc.
The first week, booking will only be open to ongoing projects. After my current projects have had a chance to book in, and I can get a sense of how much space I have leftover, then I will open up a booking form on my website for new pieces!
What to expect with the new system?
The huge upside to this is that you’ll now receive confirmation texts/emails to remind you of our appointment dates. These will come in two days before the appointment, giving you plenty of time to reschedule/cancel if needed.
There is also a waitlist you can add yourself to if you need to reschedule so that you’ll be notified if another appointment opens up.
No-show protection:
I am still choosing not to take deposits, but I will be implementing a no-show protection charge. When you go to book, it will have you enter card details. All of this is saved through Square, it does not go to me. This card can be used to pay for your appointment on the day, or it can be charged in case of a no-call/no-show ($100 for a standard appointment, $250 for a full-day)
This is the same Point-of-sale processing company I have been using, just expanding into the other services they offer.
A note about my hourly rate:
All new pieces will be booked in under my new hourly rate of $200/hr.
All ongoing pieces will remain the same as they are now for the next two booking quarters, and will then increase to $200/hr for July onward.
Clients with in-progress pieces:
Please reach out to me this week and I will send you a link to my new online-booking portal! I was initially going to have a separate form submission for this, and may still do so for future rounds of scheduling, but as of now this seems easier?
Please have patience with me while I figure all of this out, and probably stumble a few times along the way 😅
Email is great:
But this is one of those times that if you want to DM me on Instagram (Not Facebook), or you have my number and want to text, feel free! Whatever is easiest for you to get to :)
Dates to Know:
Dec. 17-19 I will be reaching out to everyone that filled out my booking form. If you’re waiting for a response, please be patient!
The next round of booking will occur in early March to schedule April-June. Stay tuned for specifics as the date approaches.
Email me at